Shop With Me

Enjoy a growing shop with a few of my favorite items that I use in my everyday life!

Good to know: I am affiliated with the items below and may receive compensation should you take my recommendation.

Favorite Brands

Favorite Brands

Improve your skin, your health, and your home.

Why I love Hugh & Grace: I appreciate Hugh and Grace not only for their high-quality skincare products but also for their commitment to overall wellness with a range of effective supplements and eco-friendly household cleaners. They make it easy to embrace a holistic and sustainable lifestyle! I have not used ANYTHING else for at least 6 months, my skin is hydrated with much less redness and irritation!!

My favorite go to product: the body oil

Enjoy strength, stamina and improved energy flow.

Why I love Life Wave: These stem cell patches offer a cutting-edge and non-invasive way to support my well-being, promoting vitality and rejuvenation through innovative stem cell technology. I notice I have sustained energy ALL day long!!!!!!

My favorite go to product: Life wave X39 patch

Need more easy fruits and veggies in your day?

Why I love Juice Plus: It provides a convenient and delicious way to incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables into my daily routine, supporting my overall health and well-being. I typically eat healthy, but if I have an off day, I know I am least getting the antioxidants and benefits of fruits and vegetables through the supplements I take!!

My favorite go to product: the fruit and veggie blend

My Favorite Products

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